Using a Fork and Spoon
Using a Spoon and Fork to Eat is a social narrative that explains what foods we use our fingers to eat, what foods we use a fork to eat, and what foods we use a spoon to eat. It is a simple story that comes with visuals that you can customize and use with the child to cue him/her during meals. The story comes with two celebratory social narratives that can be used after the child uses a spoon or after the child uses a fork. The story also comes with stickers that can be printed on labels and used to reinforce the behavior as it occurs.
The following is included in your purchase:
- social narrative Using a Spoon and Fork to Eat
- customized visuals and picture cards to cue the child during the meal
- celebratory social narratives I Used My Spoon to Eat and I Used my Fork to Eat
- stickers that can be used during and after eating to reinforce the positive behavior
All Positively Prepared stories are written using positive language and simple illustrations/words to reduce visual clutter and increase understanding.