Staying in My House

Is your child a “runner”?  Does he/she like to leave the house?

Staying in My House is a social narrative that explains why you stay in the house.  The story talks about what the child needs to do when they see a stop sign and the door is locked.  The story includes visuals of the child staying in the house and stop signs that you can hang near a door and use to cue the child to stay in the house.  There are stickers that can be printed on labels and a celebratory story that you can read when the child stays in the house.

Your purchase includes the following:

  • a social narrative Staying in My House
  • visuals to cue the child to stay in the house
  • stickers that can be used to reinforce the behavior of staying in the house
  • celebratory story I Stayed in the House

*currently only available in digital download format

All Positively Prepared stories are written using positive language and simple illustrations/words to reduce visual clutter and increase understanding.
